The Nunavummi reading series is a unique Nunavut-made levelled reading series that aligns the reading expectations of Inuktut (Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun), English, and French. The reading series corresponds closely to the reading levels and expectations developed by the Department of Education in Nunavut. This approach to literacy provides educators and parents with the tools they need to ensure that children are equally challenged and successful in all the languages represented in Nunavut.
For southern educators, this series represents an opportunity to infuse their levelled reading programs with authentic Northern perspectives and knowledge. Canada is a country of cultural, geographic, and linguistic diversity, and the Nunavummi reading series helps educators create a literacy program that reflects this diversity.
The books in the Nunavummi reading series are for readers from Levels 1 to 18 (roughly early Kindergarten to early Grade 6). These levels build on the reader’s skills as they move progressively from simple sentences to complex short stories and non-fiction informational books.
Note: Grade ranges are provided merely as a guide and may not reflect the developmental stage of a given individual reader.